sábado, 21 de enero de 2012

Smash Mouth

Walking home that night
The sack across my back, the sound of sobbing on my shoulder.
When suddenly it stopped,
I opened up the sack, all that I had
A pool of bubbles and tears - JUST A POOL OF TEARS.

All in all you are a very dying race
Placing trust upon a cruel world.
You never had the things you thought you should have had
And you'll not get them now,
And all the while in perfect time
Your tears are falling on the ground.




Okay. I stayed in tonite. Vicky and i were out way too late last night and i was dead after class. Plus i taught 9 hours on Jueves. Manana is another day. I did some laundry and tidied up a bit. It's Jan. 21. This month is vanishing. Crazy. I guess the first week disappeared because the family was on vacation. 

Looking forward to the Giants game even if it is on at 00:30 Monday morning. But i have no class til 13:00 the next day. All the same, it a trippy thing to stay up so absurdly late to watch such things. 

But the NY Football Giants win Super Bowls when i am out of the country. They beat Buffalo when i was living in Jamaica. They beat New England while i was here in Madrid. That's 2 of their 3 Super Bowls. Also, the Giants are 4-0 in NFC Championship Games, Deafeating Washington in '87, San Fran in '91, Minn in '01 and GB in '08. I'm going to say the Giants win manana too, although i think it's going to be a very close smash mouth game. 

It was warm today. For the middle of winter. Europe has had a very warm winter so far. Usually the weather starts getting Spring-ish in Madrid by March. 


All hail the weekend and being lazy! I find it comes quite naturally. 

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