domingo, 3 de junio de 2012

Abre la Puerta


Abre la puerta niña
Que el día va a comenzar
Se marchan todos los sueños
Que pena da despertar.

Por la mañana amanece
La vida y una ilusión
Deseos que se retuercen
Muy dentro del corazón.

- Triana

Open the door girl 
That the day will begin 
They leave all the dreams 
It's time for awakening. 

Morning dawns 
Life and illusion 
Desires that twist 
Deep within the heart.

I saw John King and his friend norman. They are in Madrid this weekend, so John, Norman, Vicky and i all went out. It was great to catch up. Today they are in Toledo. 

Last night was Carolyn's big good-bye party. It was fun. Crazy, as always. Jesus was there looking like a statue. He looked very uncomfortable. I found it amusing. 

Tonight Vicky and I are going to the Corazon (Heart) for Africa match between Real Madrid and Manchester United. An old timers game with Zidane and Figo. Two legends. 

It's June. The busy season. I will be 44 on Tuesday. This is will be my 6th birthday in Madrid, and the last for a while. Five and a half years. I was telling John King about how Sue and i lived in Northern VA and and how i got my MBA in 2004. And then i thought, that's almost ten years ago! Crazy.

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