jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012

The time of doing


"Two of us Sunday driving. 
Not arriving. On our way back home.
 We’re on our way home. 
We’re going home."
-The Beatles

How in the name of all that is unholy did i accumulate so much stuff? How i ask you? I will give away more clothes than i will bring home. 

Details- I leave Madrid at 10:35 on August 8. I arrive at JFK at 19:40. Leave my house at 7:00, get to Mum's about 21:30. That's about 14.5 hours of transit. Ugh! But Carolyn and Sarah will be on the same flight. Hooray!

My last full moon in Madrid has come and gone.

Okay, Jay. Less typing, more doing. 

Flying the coop music
Herd of Instinct - Herd of Instinct
Clockwork Angels - Rush

- - - 

USA! Now with healthcare, but soon without the Post Office. My Pop would be pissed. He was in the Post Office for years and years.

Bart's been raptured and his crap's been craptured
-Homer Simpson

Oh how i wish someone would Crapture my stuff back to CT.


Time goes by in slow motion. So, this is what Maria and i are giving Tim and Laura along with cash. 

Remember, Laura is from Texas. And yes, that's a riding crop.

Maria and i just aren't the type to give you a toaster. I don't care how they use them. That's up to them. And Tim will either thank us or curse us. I can live with that.

Everytime I see your face
I think of things unpure, unchaste.
I want to fuck you like a dog,
I'll take you home and make you like it.
-Liz Phair

I think i'm going to have to take two bags with me. I can spread out the cymbals between the two bags. 

17,000 page views for the site. Damn!

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