So tired. 7 hours manana of work and then done. I saw Maria tonight. She is well. Paloma and i were worried about her. She's been through quite a rough patch. Unemployed. Things bad with boy friend. She's okay. Doing well under the circumstances.
It's actually nice to be me. Things are almost normal.
How many lives i've had or how long i've been trodding this rock / planet seems incosequential. The questions i ask are; Am i happy? Unhappy? In between? Am i doing to damage to anyone? It which areas am i fulfilled?
And i'm quite lucky to have many of the good slots filled in someway or another.
When my life is quiet it can be so refreshing.
But then exciting is great too.
I am a fickle bastard. And old. At least my family has good hearts. Helps get the blood to where you need it.
So it's 1:17 on Friday morn. Over and out.
Packers over Squeelers; 27-24. Screw you Brett Favre! Oh the sweet karma justice! It would be delightful.
Listening to the song, Jenny the Sasquatch - Wayward Platypus
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