miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010
Insominia, Strikes, No Electricity, Homelessness and Zombies
Then the fact that Laura´s landlord didn´t pay the electric bill and we have no power, and won´t til Friday. The shower i so cold you think your face will rip as it it stretches across your
cranium in the cold. And as for my balls, when they haven´t been that small since i was eight.
None of this was helped by the fact that i couldn´t sleep the night before.
At least Spain advanced in the Copa Mundal.
And then there´s those goddamned Zombies. I couldn´t get to the dentist. Cabs were all full. Couldn´t get to work (if i could find a cab, to and fro, would eat all the money i got paid) so i cleaned and then read World war Z, about zombies. I didn´t know why the power was out yet. And i thought, no Metro, no power - Zombies!!!! It´s the end of the World! i called Luara to warn her of this undead menace, and that´s when she explained that the land lord sucked. I was duly relieved.
lunes, 28 de junio de 2010
Sleeps with Fishes

Raining. It always rains at night these days. Climate change. I saw a mosquito in my room! I have seen about a dozen in the 3+ years i have lived in Madrid. At least it cools things off. It's in the 90's everyday. I read today that Tuna ( for sushi ) is in danger of extinction, due to over fishing and the fact that the gulf oil spill has threatened one of only two breeding grounds. We need to depend more on aqua farming to keep up supply and demand. And the FDA is poised to okay genetically modified Salmon, which matures at a faster rate. Eek! The Mets have a series in Puerto Rico. Add that to the USA loss to Ghana and i can only surmise that the Apocalypse is nigh.
jueves, 24 de junio de 2010
Minute 92

lunes, 21 de junio de 2010
Through the Juicer

Well, Spain won today.
And i saw the DVD of the gig today. I enjoyed it. Sound isn't great, but you get the idea. And we played well. Good energy, and you can see we're having fun. Tomorrow 5 hours of class, then record in the studio room 20:00 - 23:00.. It'll be a live recording. Then the band will take a 2 1/2 month hiatus. Some people call it summer. I call it going home. None of the band live as far away as i do. I could use a wee break. Pete and i will write over the summer and stay in touch through email.
So i'll have a DVD and a CD for you all when i see you!
Otherwise, things go forward.
Can't sleep. Mind racing. Must wake up in 4 1/2 hours. Okay. Take a breath. Breathe in, breathe out.
Run Rabbit run Dig that hole in the sun -Pink Floyd
sábado, 19 de junio de 2010
Horrendous Call
Koman Coulibaly of Mali now tops the USA's Most Wanted list of terrorists. It was a terrible call (a phantom foul) that denied the US the winning third goal that would have put them atop of Group C with one game to go. Coulibaly never explained who the foul was on. He either ignored players or did not speak English well enough. How can any International Ref not know English, the world language? FIFA said he may be suspended from any further matches, but the damage is done. This guy had a chip on his shoulder about the US from the beginning. No less than three Slovenian's can be seen holding three USA players in the box on the same play, which would be a penalty kick. And a Slovenian was only given a yellow card earlier in the game for what easily should have been red.
This guy is a jackass. And FIFA is moronic for putting him in the World Cup. I want to see action. I am not calling on President Obama to bomb Mali, but to only bomb Coulibaly's house. Then we'll call it
In some much needed good news, Janet has graduated from school and is an x-ray technician. Congrats!
And i am moved out of the hell hole for good. My drums are at Laura's. I am at Laura's. Rest of my stuff is at Maria's. Hooray!
I am making a call to Jack Ruby's daughter to see if she'll "handle" the Coulibaly situation.
The truth is an illusion. Reality is an illusion. Death is an illusion. More or less, we have no idea what the hell is going on. And anyone who tells you they they do, is just disillusioned.
-El Dude, October 18, 1996, Addressing the UN Security Council
miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010
Una Disastre

martes, 15 de junio de 2010
without a country....

....Or perchance i have too many.
Homeless, homeless
Moonlight sleeping on a midnight lake Homeless, homeless
Moonlight sleeping on a midnight lake -Paul Simon
Fact - I have rented and lived in 7 different places over the past 3 1/2 years.
Your life sucks
-Ancient Buddhist Saying
Things to do
- Go to old house and clean and pack up. Cat Woman's house is ready to store my stuff. We watched Italy salvage a tie.
- eat something
- Class at 6
- Meet Volker's daughter Michelle and her boyfriend for the Brazil game at half eight. She is my former neighbor and is in from Germany. She was a little girl of 14 when I left, now she is 18 or 19. I said "are you coming with school?" She said "I'm on vacation with my boyfriend." I said "D'oh!"
-Final extraction from old flat - Friday. The tale is an ugly story which i will relate when things calm down, meaning i may never be able to tell you!
-Thank you to American Laura, Cat Woman, and Zowie for saving me this June. I fucking hate Spring. Come on summer!
-I will be 'homeless' for the next 3 months, i told Cat Woman. She said - "Como Siempre (Like always). At least you are used to it."
And if you're giving in, then you're giving up
-The Smashing Pumpkins
domingo, 13 de junio de 2010
You dress funny and smell of eels
Haruki Murakami
viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

Rain. It rains until "the 40th of May" as they say here. It had been very dry, but now we are rainy and cool. Won't get past 63F today. What the what? But cool is nice.
World Cup begins today. Yeah!
Tired. Very very tired. Feeling a bit better, but tired. I'm on amoxicilina, so that is helping a lot because my chest/nose got infected. Life is a contact sport.
16 years ago Susan and i got married. Wow. And almost four years ago we separated. Life is a contact sport. But things are good.i teach, i play drums, i have some very good friends from Spain, USA, France, Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland and who the hell knows where else from. For Sue too i think. I'll see her and Kid A on tour this summer. And Frippy and i will road trip to CT for the 4th year in a row. Me and the boy, cranking SELLING ENGLAND BY THE POUND and cruising the endless expanse of I95. It's our own version of A SPACE ODYSSEY. Good times.
Our memories remind us
Maybe road life ain't so bad
Classes are winding down. Luckily i picked up a few more because my two doctor students returned from the USA. Menchu actually came to the gig with her boyfriend. They had a blast.
I may move in with my friend Zowie in July, so i don't have to move in with Cat Woman (Maria). It would be fun but the three pusses might kill me in that small flat. They are all shedding and even she can't breathe right now. Plus the only Cat Woman i ever really wanted to live with was Julie Newmar.
I do remember one thing.
It took hours and hours but..
By the time I was done with it
I was so involved
I didn't know what to think.
I carried it around with me for days and days..
Playing little games
Like not looking at it for a whole day
And then.. looking at it.
To see if I still liked it.
.....I did!!!!
-King Crimson
jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

i am home, at Laura's. Whew. It's nice to wake up being able to breathe. But my room is really small and the tiny bed has iron work. I didn't know where i was. Am i incarcerated? i thought. Well, it's clean, so i'm not in a Jamaican prison. i've seen those up close. And then i recalled where i was. And then i slept some more, no clase til noon.
Of this and that and what is not
And finally i figured out what was what
It was the power of the heart
miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010
Suck'em if you got'em

Going to Laura's! Don, like an old horse's defective left testicle, had them clean the mold today, which almost killed me. I told him to wait til i left, but he did not and i was unawares. So they came at 8:30am and i woke up wheezy. Asshole. In retribution, i will not be paying any rent for June.
Summer Tour 2010

Could be desert
Could be a tract of arable land
Could be a house, could be a corner shop
Could be a cabin by a bend in the river
Could be something your old man handed down
Could be something you built on your own
Everybody got something he calls home
martes, 8 de junio de 2010
Escape from Quintana
We gotta get out of this place
if it's the last thing we ever do
-The Animals
Lots of good comments still rolling on from the gig. It was great fun. There's nothing like being comfortable behind the kit and feeling like you're in total control.
Imagine if life was like that?
No. I can't. Must be nice.
:) :) :)
My plate is a bit full right now.
domingo, 6 de junio de 2010

sábado, 5 de junio de 2010
Today in History....

my b-b-b-birthday!
-Eric Cartman
June 5, 1968- I am born. On the same day, Robert F, Kennedy is fatally shot by Sirhan Sirhan. June 5, 1933- FDR takes the US off the gold standard. June 5, 1967 - First day of the Six Day War. Israel defeats Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. By war's end, Israel had gained control of the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. The results of which fuck up the geopolitics of the region to this day. June 5, 2004- My old nemesis, Ronald Reagan dies after an all-too-long battle with Alzheimer's disease. 5th June 1944 : Following a number of crushing defeats in Europe the Allies prepare for the D-DAY landing when more than 1,000 British bombers drop 5,000 tons of bombs on German gun batteries on the Normandy coast. June 5, 1981: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a report announcing that cases of rare pneumonia were found among five homosexual men in Los Angeles, California which was later identified as the Aids Virus.
You know what, June 5th kind of sucks. With the exception of me being born and Reagan dying, very little good happened. Screw this. I'm going back to bed. Wake me up for the gig!
Look so good should you when 800 years you reach, um?
-Yoda, Return of the Jedi
jueves, 3 de junio de 2010
On the AIr
martes, 1 de junio de 2010
El Infierno

33C today. That's 91F. Too goddamned hot. I guess it is June. Gemini power... activate!
Rock bottom, hotter than hell....
At least the women are hardly wearing anything now. That's a bonus.
Tomorrow we go on the radio. Woo hoo!