domingo, 6 de junio de 2010


From Lost to the River at Hangar 19, Madrid, last night.

Bday was great. Gig was great. People really dug it. Over 100 people. I felt really comfortable and had a blast. But it was hot! I was sweating like Idi Amin. They sang happy birthday to me before the encores. It was all quite nice.

Just wanted to let you all know i was alive. Thanks for all the wishes. I received well wishes from Europe, North America and Australia. That's just ridiculous.

It was a great 2 nights. I saw Summer in Raincoats on Friday and Juan and Lee really appreciated it and came to our gig the next night. They thought we rocked. Sometimes you have to remember where you've been to appreciate where you are. All who attended thought they were pretty average. But....their biggest applause was when they played "Shake your wet Umbrella," The only song they still play that i wrote the words to. People came up to me singing. It was quite fun. Lee and Juan also said they really wanted to gig with us sometime in the Fall, but that Bo is dead set against it. HA! It's been a year and he still can't let it go. Wow. I am speechless, sans words.

"Do you always do what Bo says?" I wanted to ask. But i was on my best behavior. Seriously.

Our friend Pedro recorded it on video, so we'll have that soon.

So i am old, but i still rock.

One could do worse than be a swinger of birches
-Robert Frost

And it looks like i am going to move in with Laura this week, just til the end of June. Our house is moldy which has really become bad with the heat. And the washing machine and sink backed up again. Then to Maria's in July. I guess it's live with an ex-lover month.

Some day my life will be normal. It just has to be.

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