Well, my first day teaching the MBA program went very well. We look at the re-branding of Malboro Lights as Marlboro Gold in the USA. Phrasal verbs for business, Tell vs. Say, Make vs. Do, and what happens when 'green' products don't work as well as the former ones because of changes to the formula. Thrilling isn't it?
They are all in their 20's and i am old. Oh well. I can live with that. At least i hope to.
Marteen is at my feet. Crazy bastard. He has issues. He will suck my earlobe if i let him (i do not).
Mum's Mully is the only other cat i've ever seen do that.
Shitty luck?
It's hard to know.
Alright, time to do my facturas (bills) for the academies i work for. Then rehabilitate my room. Then happy hour. Then work out some songs with Pete. Then a party for Tamara's boyfriend, Andres, who is leaving for Swinden, England tomorrow. It's a hell hole and that's why Tam is leaving, for his job with Bose. Oh well. I'll talk with our potential new singer manana.
Go Giants! Texas winning the WS is just plain unacceptable.