miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012

BTO or "Goodbye you ignorant slut"


So far it looks like the Nitt Witt is still the front runner, but NH and IOWA hardly a nomination make.

Bachmann Turnout Override - She caved in after getting trounced in bible-thumping Iowa. Go back to Minnesota! You're their problem now. Your run lasted until Jan. 5th. What a run! But I have a new product (therapy) for you and your 'straight' husband to shill; Pray Away the Stupid. It will not work, but neither does pray away the gay, and people still pay you thousands of dollars for that. (Kevin had emailed me about this when we all were in Austria, just in case i has missed it!)

You see Michele, if you tell people you're great but you are a biggoted religious fanatic, it won't work. You have to actually be cool, like Bender. Or me.



Things are getting calmer. Bit by bit. Normalizing is a better word

i get by with a little help from my friends
-The Beatles

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