What a great party! There were 54 of us at Mohgul, a fantastic Indian place. The Barbaroi. Then Peor. Mike had a great time, as did everyone. Then i left at 1:30 so i could catch the Metro. Tribunal to Atocha on linea uno (light blue) is only 6 stops without a change (because the last Metros leave at 1:30 from the end stations.) Love my new place. Woo hoo!
sky blue so tired of all this traveling
Seahawks play Pitt today. Ooooch. That could be Ugly. I think i'll be able to get a TV feed. I mean, it's the Steelers. I am currently watching Spurs/Liverpool. Is there anything the Internet can't do? Sunday is football day. European and American. Considering i am broke until manana (6 1/2 hours, private so all cash in hand! - Mama's gonna buy me a new pair of shoes! Actually, i probably owe Mum a new pair as it was just her birthday. Easy come, easy go.)
Time to get my very sexy lazy ass in gear. It's 8:57 AM, EST. Do you know where your children are? Sleeping, if you are lucky.
- - -
Friday, Sept. 23 at 10:04 CET is the Autumnal Equinox! Good-by summer you hot, nasty bitch!
Time takes a cigarette, puts it in your mouth
You pull on your finger, then another finger, then your cigarette
The wall-to-wall is calling, it lingers, then you forget
Ohhh how how how, you're a rock 'n' roll suicide
-David Bowie
Feels like Autumn. It's 21:08 and it's 70F / 21C. That's nice weather. Tomorrow should be nice as well. High of 80F. Back up to 87F after that.
Fall is coming.
The Fall is coming.
I've repeated it to myself the past two Septembers as i lie sweltering. Global warming; It's a Bitch. People all over Madrid are crying, "No Mas!"
I finished The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet, by David Mitchell. Interesting book. Strange book. I read it over the course of a year. It's hard cover and i'd always carry it around for a few day and then be like, "It's too heavy for 10 hours will all the other books you carry on your back." But it kept getting my interest every time i re-started. It's about a Dutch trader in Dejima, the only port to commerce with Japan, in 1800. It was bonkers in a good way. Mitchell is one of my favorite authors. But it's dense stuff. Next up, more George RR Martin; A Feast for Crows. It's Book 4 of a Song and Ice and Fire.
TB 6 BOS 2 Top of the 5th. I love baseball. I watched the 1st half of the Seahawks and Pitt. It was awful. Painful. A Jacobean Tragedy. If the Red Sox cough up the wild card, that would be a tragedy, one of my favorite ever. They have to go back to being those Red Sox. The Choke Monsters. A GAGgle of Geeks. Chokasaurus Rex. How i miss those days!
Barely. It's 23:52. 6.5 hours today, so that was great. But i am knackered. So tired. Monday has been a day off the past few weeks. Running from class to class with only a half hours travel time.
I bought an Aloe plant. i named her The Kraken's Daughter (A reference to Feast of Crows.) It's green. My walls are green. it's good for my skin. It's soooo dry here. But it was 51F when i left at 10:30 this morning. I wore pants and a sweater.
Sleep. Up to meet Silvia at 10:30 to learn Spanish and teach her English.
ABT - Always be teaching
Listening to Genesis: The Way We Walk; the Longs (Live 1992). Sue and i saw them for that tour. It was right when we decided to move in together. So long ago. Good times. And there's been good times in the past 5 years as well. 5 years? I know Annie's 4.5 but it just doesn't compute. I'll be here 5 years soon.
The Russians in the early 1900's were always implementing a 5 Year Plan, every 2 or 3 years in an effort to industrialize. They had them after the Russian Revolution too. I have kind of led my life by 5 years plans. Well, we'll go to DC for 5 years and take it from there. I'm soon at the end of another five years. Time for a new plan!
First Sleep. Plan tomorrow between 13:00 and 17:30.
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