I am home. And happy to be so. I got my deposit back, so that's good. She told me, "I'm sorry for all that happened." No you're not, i thought. You're sorry i put you in your place when you were a bitch and sorry i know my rights. I gave the two kisses good-bye anyway, She looked shock when i initiated it. i am getting too old to hold a grudge. I'm out. And this place is cool. Very well communicated. I took the Cercanias (kind of a high speed train) to go from Nuevos Ministerios to Atocha. I went from the north of the city to the south in like 12 minutes - 3 stops. This is a nice place and these dudes seem cool.
I would like to thank all my friends here in Madrid. None of them read this but it's important to have friends during the tough times. Really important. And thanks to all of you back home who wished me well thru cyberspace. It was a dark time but i officially declare it over in 3...2...1. OVER.
First Album Listened to in the new house : GENESIS - SELLING ENGLAND BY THE POUND. It's a timeless classic.
I am wading through the third book of A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones). It's a massive 1,100 pages. There's 2 more books completed and 2 more to follow. Probably be ten years before he finishes them both. They take 4 to 5 years a book. He makes Stephen King look terse.
We are finally getting cooler. Still warm, but it's been cool for 10 seconds maybe twice. This is a big improvement.
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