domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011

Darkness Falls

sábado, 29 de octubre de 2011
Moving Day (not me)
But it was a crazy and very enjoyable series.
I helped Laura and Tim Move today. The movers didn't know i was coming to help and when Sorin and his friend saw me it was like a reunion. Unfortunately, i have gotten to know those guys well. And Sorin's daughter, who was born early this year with some health problems, is doing much better now.
I got there at 11:oo. I went to bed at Midnight but i was still just shattered after a long week. I was supposed to get there at 10:00. The mind was willing but the flesh was being a pussy.
So we moved them. They had furniture so it was a bitch. Then the 5 of us had beer and pizza, which makes everything better :)
Now i am going to take a siesta before the Halloween party. I am tired in my toes. Lots of bending up and down and lugging heavy stuff.
jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011
Ain't Nothin' to Me
We got smilin' politicians
Got songs from rich musicians
Called Tokyo long distance and the queen came for tea
Might mean somethin' to you
It ain't nothin' to me
-Tom Petty
College basketball is so much better.
So much teaching. 6 more hours manana. Brain no work no more. Sleepy sleepy.
miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011
- Bender: Kill all humans, kill all humans, mus' kill all humans...
- Fry: Bender, wake up!
- Bender: Wh-uh? I was having the most wonderful dream. I think you were in it.
Here's the answer to yesterday's question. the last column is sales by the millions;
Michael Jackson | Thriller | 1982 | Pop / Rock / R&B | 110 |
AC/DC | Back in Black | 1980 | Hard rock / Heavy metal | 49 |
Pink Floyd | The Dark Side of the Moon | 1973 | Progressive rock | 45 |
Whitney Houston / Various artists | The Bodyguard | 1992 | Soundtrack | 44 |
Meat Loaf | Bat Out of Hell | 1977 | Rock | 43 |
Eagles | Their Greatest Hits (1971–1975) | 1976 | Rock | 42 |
Various artists | Dirty Dancing | 1987 | Soundtrack | 42 |
Backstreet Boys | Millennium | 1999 | Pop | 40 |
Bee Gees / Various artists | Saturday Night Fever | 1977 | Soundtrack | 40 |
Fleetwood Mac | Rumours | 1977 | Rock | 40 |
Shania Twain | Come On Over | 1997 | Country / Pop | 40 |
Led Zeppelin | Led Zeppelin IV | 1971 | Hard rock / Heavy metal | 37 |
Thriller sucks (and he was a pedophile)
Back in Black was the last good AC/DC Album. Bonn Scott was a much better singer than Brian Johnson.
Whitney Houston sucks (and she smokes crack)
I fucking hate the Eagles (and it's a compilation album)
Dirty Dancing = Shite
Backstreet Boys = Shite2
Shania Twain = Shite3
I get bat Out of Hell and Saturday Night Fever being on this list. I do.
So the only albums i like? Dark Side of the Moon and Rumours.
Other than that, I must protest this list.
Shania Twain's album is the best selling album by a woman in ANY genre. Translation? People are idiots.
lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011
Canciones para una Lunes
No one can lift the damn thing
It's full of charts and facts and figures
And instructions for dancing
I love it when you read to me
And you---
You can read me anything
The other day i saw a guy on Gran Via with a sign that said; El Final Esta Cerca! (the end is near.) And i thought, "Thank fucking god. Stick a fork in me, cuz i'm done."
The conversation in my mind then degenerated quickly. "Fork me! Did you say fork me?!!!! Fork you A hole????!!!!'
I need someone to save me from myself. Other than me. Maybe i'll put an ad on Craig's List. Those always work out well.
Julie and i text each other pretty much every day. Perchance i've finally found a woman that will love me for my brain and not just as a pot of molten sex.
Does Mel still read this thing? If so, she's going to file a legal injunction against this union (someone loving me for my brain terrifies her,) like she did against me reproducing for 'reasons imperative to the survival of the species' in 1994, 1995, twice in 1996, and each year consecutively until 2000, when she became a believer in the 2012 Doomsday prophecy of the Mayans and thought, "what the hell's the point?" Which conveniently brings us back to square #1 and the end of the world.
Dude! This thing practically writes itself!
The Beginning and the End. Fall is finally here. Good-bye 80F days. Not a problem - we had enough of them this year. And 90F days too. The school year is in full throttle which means i no longer have to hunt squirrels in Retiro park for dinner. It wasn't the hunting i minded. I enjoyed that. It was the eating of the squirrels. Rabbit (Conejo) is way better. Seriously. I get it whenever i see it on the menu.
My late class tonight got moved to 10:00 Wed morning. D'oh! SO now it's time for lots of end of the month paperwork.
I wish i had children. I could teach them to do all my paperwork.
Okay. Class content reports done.
I am listening to Pink Floyd at Pompeii. It's one of the most unique albums i've ever heard. It blew me away when Kev, Smith, O'Neill, the Ridler and i watched it 2x on a rainy Sunday. One of those days that changed the way i looked at music forever. Nick Mason was an enormous influence on me as a drummer. His strange fluid way of playing drums sounds great, with all the tasty fills, even if he's not the most technically brilliant. Under-rated as far as i'm concerned. At the spur of the moment, on my last trip home in '10, Jim, Mark and i recorded the last Platypus album. I played a very different fluid style, a good bit similar to Mason's drumming on this live album. I liked it. I felt in complete control, yet it was our most experimental album to date. That's a good feel - to feel comfortable enough to record live in the studio. But we've played together a long time.
So here's the question for manana; Name as many as you can of the top 12 rock/pop/country albums, in terms of sales, world-wide.
to be continued......
Grey Skies
Ugh! Teaching on a Sunday is a bad idea. Into the shower and then out to Pozuelo to teach. It's raining. The sky is never grey in summer. At first i was afraid there had been an atomic attack and that it was nuclear winter. No such luck. I still have to go to work.
It's an October miraculum! My 13:00 student had to cancel and i still get paid. Go Jaybo... Go jaybo ... Go Jaybo
domingo, 23 de octubre de 2011
i heard a rumour the World Series was going on. Game 3 tonight is the first game i am really watching.
Texas + St. Louis = Who the Hell Cares
I read the first night ratings abysmal.
And Theo Epstein has reportedly joined the Cubs as a Cabana Boy.
It's going to rain tomorrow for maybe the 4th time since the first week of June.
So, i'm going to hang the laundry that just finished cycling on the drying rack inside in the sitting room. The boys are off in the country at Eduardo's parents.
I have a class tomorrow at 19:00. Hard to fit everyone in these days and cash is cash at the end of the month.
I chatted to Kathy Dunn today for a few minutes thru IM. It was great.
Off to see the laundry hanged.
- - -
The Rangers are falling apart. It's 5 - 0 St. Louis.
I have the heater on low and a a fleece on. It's 50F. Winter is Coming. But this room heats up quickly. I'm toasty now. Nicely toasted.
![]() |
What a sloppy inning for the Rangers. I hate the Cardinals.
Now the Rangers let loose with some offense. 5 - 3. That is a high scoring ball park out there in Arlington. Beautiful park. But Texas is too hot, even at night. I saw two games in July and i roasted. Holliday threw out the runner at home who was trying to tag. 5 - 3.
Pujols exploded for 3 HR's and St. Louis crushed Texas. I hate to say it but the Cards are going to win this Series. They were the hottest team in Sept. as the Braves blew an even bigger lead than the Choke Sox did. And this is why the Wild Card works - the hottest teams get into the playoffs. It's also why 4 Wild Cards have won the World Series (St. Louis would be the 5th if they win this year) and 6 others (including this years Cardinals) have reached the World Series.
sábado, 22 de octubre de 2011
viernes, 21 de octubre de 2011
The Friday Finish Line.

The Life and Times of Tio Jota
I am beyond exhausted. Working 8 hours a Friday had been nuts, but the 4 hours of TOEIC classes are done now. It was fun. I like preparing people for that test.
I finished at 20:00 and staggered home. I only got maybe 4 hours sleep. I haven't slept well the past few Thursday nights. It's rough to have Friday be the earliest day of the week. I'll get used to it. Takes maybe 45 minutes to get up there to Metro San Lorenzo. Maybe make some pasta and then watch a movie. If i last that long.
... and i can't find my way home
-Blind Faith
Qaddafi is dead. The Arab Spring continues. It's time we wrested control of the world from out of the hands of idiots. In Africa. In Europe. In Asia. In North America. And so on and so forth.
oooooohhhhhhhhh! I get grumpy when i'm tired.
Screw it. It's Friday. I can do as i feel fit.
Enjoy the weekend everybody. Kiss your children and cats and dogs for me. Tell them Tio Jota says "Hola!"
miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2011
time travel

Getting like Autumn here. Tomorrow will be the first day we don't hit 70F, probably since April.
domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011
The Giants are tied with Buffalo, 24 - 24. 6:36 left in the 4Q.
Giants win!

Well, Julie was awesome. We started talking when i picked her up by the turtle pool in Atocha and then went for Korean food. We talked for 2 hours during dinner and then went to Sol. She needed to try and pick up something for her friend Maite(Maite is 6 foot and finds it hard to find clothes big enough in their small town) at Mango, a women's store (for whom Penelope and Monica Cruz (Monica is hotter) do endorsements for. Anyway, she kept apologizing for bringing me into the place. I told her "no worries." i told her it was not a problem, that it had been a long time since i had been in one (because i used to be in them with Sue from time to time.) Then she saw something she wanted to try on. She apologized again to me, so i told her how i always admire women's stores from the marketing side. There was very upbeat dance music. They're selling the idea; you are going to look hotter than Texas asphalt in this when you go out! And Julie is a hottie herself. Man! 45?!! She looks great. But when we talked about the 70's in the NYC area, she had certainly been there. I like to do CIA background checks as well.
LUNES 23:22
So it was just a very relaxed and fun first 6 1/2 hour date. We said we'd stay in touch and that i would try to go down by her in the next few weeks. So yes... a sense of possibilities.
She's been going through a rough time with her ex of two years, a Spanish guy from the town she lives in with her 2 sons. I told her to hang in there, and i told her my story. And then i told her that Sue and i are fine now and that Annie is my like my sobrina (niece.) On the other hand her ex sounds like an immature horses ass, and sometimes that is just how it shakes out. But at this point there's still hope. They need time apart. She lived in the States for a while with her parents and the distance was good, but she had to come back.
I think Europe and North America should create a Divorcee Exchange, that allows work visas for people who have been
1. recently divorced,
2. want some distance between them and their ex
3. would welcome a change of scenery. Start fresh.
Maybe it would work. It did for me. And for my relationship with Sue. And i even have a new relationship with all of you back home now. Our friendships are always there, just with a twist of lime and a splash of grenadine. It's just a little different. But it's just as delicious.
Anyway, she's a Nice lady. Guay (cool.) Confident. Down to earth, Funny. Curses. Own's Exit...Stage Left. Hotter than Texas Asphalt.
sábado, 15 de octubre de 2011
A sense of possibilities

- - -
Texas wins the AL again. Snore.
Today i have a date. I am meeting this girl, Julie, at Atocha Train Station at 13:30. She is from Ciudad Lineal (about an hour away) and we met online. She is from Brooklyn, divorced with two kids, is remarkably age appropriate (45) and seems down to earth. So, she's coming up for the day. I shall let you know what comes to pass, dear readers.
I feel the sense of possibilities,
I feel the wrench of hard realities.
The focus is sharp in the city.
So time to get ready! Woo hoo! Am i nervous? A little, but that will pass. A bit of nerves is a good sign.
Are they oblivious
To this quality?
A quality
Of light unique to
Every city's streets.
viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011
San Lorenzo

I hold the line - the line of strength that pulls me through
the fear
San Jacinto - I hold the line
San Jacinto - the poison bite and darkness take my sight -
I hold the line
And the tears roll down my swollen cheek - think I'm losing
it - getting weaker
I hold the line - I hold the line
San Jacinto - yellow eagle flies down from the sun -
from the sun
jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011
The New World Re-visited

Listening to;
Usually I get along okay.
I am man who reveals all he digs,
Should be more careful what I say.
Got home on the very first train from town.
My dad just left for work
He wasn't talking.
It's all a game,
'Cos inside I'm just the same,
My fried egg makes me sick
First thing in the morning.
You only became what we made you.
Thought you were chasing a destiny calling
You only earned what we gave you.
You fell and cried as our people were starving,
Now you know that we blame you.
You tried to walk on the trail we were carving,
Now you know that we framed you.
And yesterday Chairman Bender issued a collective apology to both North and South America.
"Sorry about the whole genocide thing all those years ago, meatbags. Our bad."
My karma tells me
You've been screwed again.
If you let them do it to you
You've got yourself to blame.
It's you who feels the pain
It's you that takes the shame.
-The Who
martes, 11 de octubre de 2011
Hispania Day

hey hey hey
I was born a rebel
-Tom Petty
Wednesday is a holiday. it's Hispania Day (Columbus Day in the USA,) also know as "Conquistador: We Slaughtered 1 1/2 Continents of Indigenous Peoples Day. But i still have like 23 hours this week, thanks to an 8 hour Friday. So a nice work week shaping up. TD pass to Obamanu (the most fun name to say in the NFL). 7-0 Seattle.
Oh, how i wish Kevin was here so i could throw an empty beer can at him while SEA still has the lead.
I really do miss all you people very much. It's just not the same without you.
The Giant O looks sharp.
TD throw to Ballard down the ROADWAY middle. The G Men ran the ball well at Seattle has not been bad against the run.
This is a surprising start.
14 - 14 HALF
I made another monster BLT sandwich. Delicious. The Seahawks had every chance to bury the Giants and did not.
Seahawks sack Manning!
Imagine if Peyton Manning and Eli Manning respectively married Dakota Fanning and Stockard Channing on the same day at the same place. "Are you here for the Fanning/Manning Channing/Manning Weddings? That would be AWESOME!
Bud Light the official beer of the NFL. What a shitty beer.
Strativarius Jackson is out. Charlie Whitewurst is back in. Charlie looks pretty good running the hurry up offense. Seattle got a safety. 16-14 Seattle. What an ugly ugly game. I might have to shower after this game if i'm ever to feel clean again.
Whitewurst looks good again. The Hawks are on the move!
68 yard TD pas to Cruz. Eli just hurled it up and Cruz came down with a miracle. 22-19 NYG. 12:34 left. Come on Whitewurst!
20 yd pass to Baldwin. The Beast runs for 5. 4th down, This is not going to end well for Seattle.
Terranova looks like horrible show. Cruz just fumbled. From boom to bust for him. SEA ball on the 25. If the universe is just, this game should end ion a tie. Exciting, but shoddily played. 6 turnovers! 4th down. SEA didn't get a sniff, Hauschaka makes it. 22 -22.
26 yd FG for Tynnes. 25-22. Baldy up to the 40. 3rd down. Baldy again for the 1st. Down to the 30, pass to McCoy. Holy shit! TD Seahawks! Mel and Jan are at the game. Mel must be going nuts!
Weiswurst comes through! To Baldy! 27 yrd TD. The Giants just gave up on it. I think they thought it was offsides. 29-25 SEA. still 2:37 on the clock. Out to the 34yd line. They have all three time outs left. What a game! A crazy game. 41 yard pass play. Giants at the SEA 24. Yikes.
And SEA intercepts and he runs it back for a TD. Holy Crapapalooza! Seahawks win 36-25. I don't believe it. First Eastern Time Zone win in almost 4 years.
hey hey hey
i was born disheveled
domingo, 9 de octubre de 2011
My Visual DNA
Is it accurate? i guess so.